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New Tours coming soon…

Polynesian Ground Dove is critically endangered with a world population of possibly less than 200 birds. WildWings have seen this on our previous trips to the Central Pacific and this is just one of the places we plan to visit over the next few years. © Chris Collins

We are currently working on a number of new and exciting tours which cater to the WildWings strengths of offering trips which target speciality seabirds, rare mammals plus great value bird and wildlife holidays.

To get a sense of what we are planning, please click on the links below but if you have any other desires for trips you would like us to offer over the coming years, do get in touch:


We are planning to offer trips targetting a host of special seabirds over the next few years including tours looking for Bermuda Petrel, Fiji Petrel, Vanuatu Petrel, Henderson Petrel, Stejneger’s Petrel, Polynesian Storm-petrel, Hornby’s Storm-petrel, Black-faced Sheathbill and Amsterdam Albatross. Please click here to learn more about the seabird trips we are planning.


Several new and innovative mammal trips are currently being planned and please click here for further information. These include a “world first” itinerary to the Central African Republic where we will look for Western Lowland Gorilla, pangolins, African Forest Elephants and a spectacular range of birds and other mammals.

Other trips which will be announced soon include a veritable adventure to Arctic Canada to look for Narwhals, a new and improved itinerary in India to look for Tigers, a trip to Brazil for Golden Lion Tamarin as well as other new holidays in South America and China.

Bird and Wildlife Holidays

WildWings has been offering a great selection of bird and wildlife holidays for over thirty years and we plan to continue this tradition now the world is finally emerging from the pandemic. Please click here for details of some of these which will be added to our programme over the coming months.