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29th May 2023

Spoon-billed Sandpiper news

The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is unquestionably one of the rarest birds in the world and in recent years...

The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is unquestionably one of the rarest birds in the world and in recent years the population has declined markedly, and Birdlife International’s latest estimates are that there are now less than 250 mature individuals left. 

Although the species is on the brink of extinction, there is a dedicated international team, the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Taskforce, who are doing all they can to save it and over recent years they have done some fantastic work in their efforts to preserve and protect this special bird.

The Taskforce’s May 2023 bulletin was recently published and for those interested in reading the latest news and updates on this critically endangered species, you can download the newsletter by clicking here.

With access to the breeding grounds in the Russian Arctic impossible for the foreseeable future, the only way to see this charismatic shorebird is to visit the wintering grounds and WildWings and our sister brand Limosa run trips to look for it in Thailand with an excellent track record of showing it to our clients.  

The WildWings holiday in November 2023 is already a confirmed departure and this combines time exploring the coast with visits to two of Thailand’s premier National Parks, Kaeng Krachan and Khao Yai.  For further information about this trip, please click here.

For those with more time or wanting to travel at a different time of year, Limosa’s January 2024 departure also includes time birding in the northern mountains of Thailand adding an exciting range of additional species.  For further information, click here.