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24th Sep 2022

South Africa Mammals and Birds – update

The first week of the WildWings South Africa Mammals and Birds tour ended in rather dramatic style...

The first week of the WildWings South Africa Mammals and Birds tour ended in rather dramatic style yesterday following a large bushfire at Marrick. Although this got close to the lodge, we are pleased to report that nobody was hurt (clients or staff), although the group had to spend the night in different accommodation. We understand that about 50% of the grazing has been lost but the team tell us they will be OK and the grasslands will recover.

All of us at WildWings would like to wish everyone at Marrick our very best wishes and thank them for organising alternative rooms for our group who have now moved on to Heidelberg to look for species such as Black-backed Jackal, Red Hartebeest and Black Wildebeest.

From what Tour Leader Ewan Davies has told us, it sounds like the wildlife sightings on the first part of the trip (Cape Peninsula and Marrick) have been excellent with Southern Right Whale, Meerkat, Karoo Elephant Shrew, Aardvark, Aardwolf and African Penguin to name a handful of species seen.

The full trip report will appear in due course and WildWings plans to offer this trip again in 2023. Please contact the office to register your interest.

All photos © Sue Cunningham

Southern Right Whale
Karoo Elephant Shrew