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17th Jan 2025

Orca/Killer Whale behaviour

An interesting paper has recently been published in the journal Aquatic Mammals describing a chance encounter some fishermen had in the Caribbean waters off the coast of Honduras when they observed a pod of Orcas (or Killer Whales) kill a good-sized Sperm Whale.

Relatively little is known about the hunting techniques of Orcas in tropical waters, whereas around Antarctica, for example, there have been extensive studies of their behaviour with different ecotypes known to adopt different hunting/feeding strategies. A lot less is, however, known about the Orcas that inhabit warmers seas.

In the encounter, which took place in November 2023, the observers watched as the three Orcas took it in turns to bite the Sperm Whale and drag it underwater and were also seen using their bodies to pin it down and restrict its movements.

Eventually the Orcas killed the whale and began feeding on the carcass.

This interesting article can be read/downloaded at the following link:
