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20th Jul 2022

Global Birdfair – a stunning success

The return of Birdfair was extremely welcome and congratulations to Tim and Penny Appleton for all their...

Last weekend saw the welcome return of Birdfair and whilst it was at a different venue (the Rutland showground rather than the nearby reservoir), organisers Tim and Penny Appleton did an amazing job and “Global Birdfair” was a stunning success.

It was a real pleasure to meet up with so many clients and friends after three years and the level of interest shown in our tours was extremely encouraging. The Birdfair saw the launch of the new brochure for Limosa/WildWings so if you would like a copy of this, please contact the office and we will happily post you one although our website remains the location to find the most detailed information about all our tours.

A good selection of the joint Limosa/WildWings team were on the stand including (left to right) Chris Collins, David Walsh, Derek Barber, Carl Downing, Richard Webb and Frank Lambert.