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Mark Andrews

Whilst working as a Conservation Educator at Twycross Zoo, a chance meeting with Birdlife International took Mark to Cameroon (in West Africa) for a project to protect the endangered Bannerman’s Turaco.  Further trips to the region, including an expedition to search for Mount Kupe Bushshrike, resulted in him guiding groups to look for these special birds.

This led to Mark leading tours to Uganda, Morocco, Israel and Poland, before switching his main area of interest to Asia where he has guided our Beidaihe trips for over twenty years, as well as conceiving the “Spoon-billed Pitta” tour in Thailand which he has led on thirteen occasions.

Mark is another WildWings guide with a passion for mammals, particularly wildcats, and he has guided our Brazil mammal and bird tour many times, as well as Snow Leopards in Ladakh and remains prone to pointing out mammals whichever trip he is leading.  Our Thailand tours, for example, now have an impressive cumulative list of species !!

A former Council member of OSME and a founding member of the African Bird Club, Mark is also a well-respected artist and has illustrated a number of publications, as well as paintings for private exhibitions.  He is now extremely well-travelled and when not guiding, his focus is on some of his “most wanted” wildlife experiences, be this iconic species or wildlife spectacles.